Basics of programming permacomputing systems

1. Variables

  • Energy
  • Air Humidity
  • Soil Humidity
  • Light
  • Temperature

2. Functions


Bring water to plants or to animals


One of the most important functions, limiting the computing energy resources needed

3. Conditions

IF Temperature Water();

IF ! Light Sleep();

multiple conditions:

IF ! Soil humidity and Temperature Water();

4. Loops

Performing the activity in permanent cycle. It is always related to affected environment.

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SBC with LTE antenna and camera watering a plant and photographing her.

4.1 Loop balancing

Loop EMFs:

EMF(comp) - Energy and mineral flow of whole lifecycle of a permacomputing device.

EMF(org) - Energy and mineral flow in biological organisms affected in environment.

EMF(comp) <= EMF(org)

In this basic balancing equation we can see how important are Sleep() and Water() functions and overall connection to environment. Without positive EMF in organisms, there is a negative bias of computing system.

Optimizing EMF(comp):

IF ! Light Sleep();