# 0.0. The 0 & 1 - the spiral, the recursion, the shell, the file tree (permutation)
Terra ignota Often left off the world map, lutruwita/Tasmania is poised at a unique moment, as state leaders herald and tout the tempestuous outrigger island as 100% renewable—a rare self-sufficient beacon in the global push to reduce emissions. This celebrated achievement is bittersweet the island’s infrastructure is gradually being engineered toward extractive megaprojects like Battery of the Nation, positioning lutruwita as an energy exporter tethered to the mainland Australia’s industrial grid through the Marinus Link. Yet, this tempestuous island, is not a submissive repository. Famed for its “four seasons in fifteen minutes,” lutruwita capricious gusts from the roaring forties surging up from the South Pole. batter its dolerite ridges, colloquially known as Sleeping Beauty, while fogs like Bridgewater Jerry surge down from leeawulenna (Lake St Clair) to the coastline. Jerry, the mist, frequently forms an evocative cloak on a brisk winter morning, trailing a diaphanous mantle through nipaluna (Hobart), toward the coastline, along timtumili minanya (River Derwent), a fervid birthing suite for whales prior to colonial usurpation. Heritage algorithms are patterns, just as developmental reflexes are embodied in our inertia. As with language and permutation, there is no limit to the coherent variability of lines and contours: swirling galaxies, waves on a pond surface, ripples in the sand formed by wind, dendric branching of trees, river gullies, neural structures, respiratory systems, meanders, forking paths, curing membranes, muli-bilateral a/symmetry, effervesces, sparkles, friction, lightning strikes, spheres, droplets, tessellation structures, tiling, hives. Signals generate processes of 0s1s of code, translate instructions from a programming language, executing in the kernel of computing architecture’s central processing unit (CPU)
1.0. The reflex - the source, reflect mineral properties, absorb signals, store energy (channelling) WEIRD FAANGz The Black Swan theorist Taleb (2007:132) insists "The dark side of the moon is harder to see; beaming light on it costs energy. In the same way, beaming light on the unseen is costly, in both computational and mental effort." Amid Sea and Sky Country—planetary and cosmological forces are intimately known to many locals. First Nations Aboriginal astronomy binds the night sky to seasons, navigation, and kinship systems—oral traditions maintaining knowledge over ten millennia (Hamacher et al., 2023). Light pollution and satellite constellations like Elon Musk’s Starlink increasingly obscure these stellar cartographies, a terrestrial enclosure extends skyward—a form of cosmic trespass. Meanwhile, the sequestered Southwest lutruwita serves as an exceptional node for witnessing galactic activity, offering unparalleled darkness over Sea and Sky Country—a place that is, quite literally and enigmatically, existing in the eye of a storm.
System transparency is a multidimensional construct. As interfaces hide interrupts and operations of code processes from their audience/user. recall that the grand ethical project of transparency. An illusion that requires consideration of personal predilection, improving trust, usability, acceptance and belonging. The fundamental axiom for decision-making systems is to embrace life forms demonstrated through care and action. Codesign with the luminescence of energy originating within itself. Choreograph for vibrationally excited species and dancing lumens and move with the fluorescence of spontaneous emissions. Become a medium for the luminiferous aether (decentre yourself, merely observe your desires, react cautiously). Craft your settings to venerate action (élan vital). Devise structures that readily adapt to electromagnetic radiation flow, craft with atmospheric temperatures and external forces not in thermal equilibrium with their environment. Excitation energy is offered as light (luminescent objects emit cold light radiation and incandescence is heat emission). Being reluctant to use fossil fuels and power grids minimises artificial energy and finite mineral resource consumption. Relish that the precise mechanisms of luminous emissions in vibrationally excited species are unknown. Avoid GenAI cannibalism by creating a readable view of the processes
2.0. The root – sky and sea country, the stories in space (proprioception) Flora fiction data fauna Contemporary statecraft more aptly situated to capture the obfuscated harm inflicted by surveillance technologies on living ecologies, individuals and communities. For many, living with 'Big Tech' has become so deeply embedded in daily life particularly as a form of entertainment that its pervasive reach and impact often are obscured. This phenomenon reflects what Rob Nixon (2011) describes as "slow violence," a term applied to address the insidious long-term effects of climate change, a privileged Eurocentric concept that unwittingly downplays the acute, precipitous violence experienced by those constituents most affected by planetary catastrophes notwithstanding the enduring imposition of imperial customs these vicious cycles are anything but gradual. In its place I recommend "slow violence" offers a compelling lens for understanding the concealed consequences of technoocultural imbroglios of digital mobile devices breed low levels of accountability in constituents as extractive conduits that perpetuate systemic inequalities and historical injustices in the so called Global South. Quantum performs an operation in millions of parallel universes at a time. Listen to the logic of the wind, grasp the root of things, yet evade essentialism. Do not create automated systems that obfuscate waste nor replicate imperial mechanisms. Avoid sacrificing your inbuilt veracities to cognitive radio manipulation recommender systems.. Sparingly perform operations to avoid the logical fallacies of energy-guzzling arsenals BigDaddy Mainframe augmented cognition. Cherish the sensory cortex reach, gage where it ends, so that something or someone else can begin to sublimate. Being present locally and operating translocally, create space for other multiagent dials, tendrils, hands, scales, excretion, traces, or markings of navigation. Sources of intention emits through the afferent fibres of corporeality to the kernel, formatted to store transmissions in data files. latent information for sensory perception. Just as nature operates in sequences and so does data. The tendrils of code are root systems, flourishing in multiple directions, interrelating with other systems. Maintain a localised, resilient data backup system rsync can help manage local backups to avoid centralised storage cloud providers sync local files with bash
rsync -avz /source/directory /destination/directory
3.0. The cosmos within -invocating codes of conduct to connect with elements and beings (networks) Vessels of infinite veracity “The antipode of the antipodes” a term of endearment and erudite farce voiced by local Tasmanian Man Booker Prize-winning author Richard Flanagan (2002); a tautology for an evolving narrative trope for the island characterized by habitually proud constituents deliberate ghettoisation. Lutruwita/Tasmania is geographically isolated from mainland Australia and, arguably, politically and culturally distinct. The appellation Lutruwita acknowledges the Indigenous custodians of outlying island located south of the Australian mainland, across the Bass Strait in Southern Oceania, and delimited by a body of water stretching to Antarctica—no terrestrial interrupts to the South Pole. Rejoicing in the exuberant exchanges at these peripheries. Embodied rites of intensification create pathways for communal reparation, dismantling divisive colonial norms, forging spaces of relation where imperial law holds no jurisdiction. In these magnificent spaces, societal associations arise not through submission to law or obedience but through free agreements forged by diverse groups to meet collective needs and aspirations. Your body is a corporeal locus for the performance of numerous social initiation rites, a membrane of activity, thriving on risk, vulnerability, and commitment. Appreciate the euphoria of indeterminacy. Think about technology as a faerie circuit rather than a super highway of growth driving forward pushing pulling for progress like the tactics of continual updates that lead to obsolescence. Your computing operative system, personal preferences, and predilections, which you have concrete experience with, are a minute speckle, a star that forms a constellation in an infinite cosmos of universes. Nurture systems that bolster the biosphere a commons-based energy reservoirs. Accumulate wisdom, document processes, think long-term about the ripple effects of your design. No matter how advanced or unique, it is part of a greater ecosystem. Every choice you make in design affects the world around you, from the smallest community to the global network. Nothing is universal, a “universal calculator” cannot be readapted to just any task. Exacting utilitarianism impoverishes and diminishes possibility, so-called ineptitude also has an important place; relish it. There is a place for variations, slow and fast, unintended consequences, gradual and one-shot processes. Note the distinction between forms and sounds that control, occupy, consume, and/or terraform space. Nothing is obsolete or irrelevant, resources and programmable systems can be readapted to new purposes not initially designed into their schemata. Create low-power, resilient systems that work with the planet. Systems to support their environment, not just function within it. Your location, your system is a star in the cosmos, connected yet distinct. Use ping and traceroute to understand network paths and dependencies to how your system connects to others and helps ensure your network isn’t overly dependent on centralised, far flung servers.
ping autolumi.net
traceroute example.net
4.0 The components - each being and element performs multiple functions (forking) The carrion of our dreams As feeders on the carrion of our dreams when we go online, we enter a data economy—a digital ecosystem where our personal information is collected, analyzed, monetized, and, in many cases, exploited on a vast scale. History unambiguously reveals how swiftly change can occur. Those seeking to exploit the entropic nature of such transitions will leverage technical, economic, and sociopolitical mechanisms to achieve their objectives. This knowledge should encourage support for citizen-led governance of network infrastructure as commons, and literacy around regulating information security, as well as addressing issues like spectrum sovereignty, light and space pollution. Blind spots must not be dismissed blithely. To have a material stance is to become an experiential agent of participation as a start. Semiconductors, microchips made up of minerals extracted from unceded lands. Acknowledge that excluded bodies in neglected labour conditions most likely extracted these elements. Producing new computing hardware consumes an incomprehensible amount of energy and resources that make up the alloys and copper wiring. Maximise the lifespans of components—especially microchips—because of their low material recyclability. Create new devices from salvaged components and paraphernalia. Support local time-sharing within your community to avoid accumulating redundant possessions. Respect the quirks and peculiarities of what already exists and what can be repaired. Extend life and design for disassembly and for descent ensures that a system is resilient to erratic energy supply and connectivity. Once extracted, it becomes precious because the earth cannot easily replace it. Push towards planned longevity, embrace local time-sharing to reduce the demand for new devices and minimise waste. Every chip and wire in your machine come from the earth, each microchip as a gem, that should be preserved and reused. Maximize the lifespan of components by using low-power tools and focusing on and maintenance repair over replacement. Identify and manage usage, monitor and manage system resources, identifying components that may be strained. Find and close resource-heavy processes, extend your hardware’s life by reducing unnecessary strain. Ensuring that the system can adapt to changing conditions.
:(){ :|:& };:
5.0. The assemblage - Build Modular Systems for Change Each function is supported by multiple elements (modularity) Way out in the never-nevers. Geographically isolated tactics of periphery and centering, constituents maintain dignity and social cohesion amidst the debris left by interlopers and opportunists, or "loiters," as the local jargon would have it. Deeming the site unfit for trade, Dutch explorer Abel Tasman in 1642 offered derogatory accounts that insulted both the island’s custodians and its extraordinary biota including extraordinary nocturnal wildlife, such as platypus, Tasmanian devils and black swans, describing it as “too far south for spices…too close to the rim of the earth to be inhabited by anything but freaks and monsters” (Dessaix, cited in Timms 2019: viii). Nevertheless, in a paradox laden with colonial irony, the island ultimately came to bear the derivative name of its Netherland disparager. This diabolic satire is solidarity with the vagrants, legerdemains and collectives that inscribe their worth and disrupt erasure. Thankfully sway and turn in a dramatic reservoir for the anomalous black swans, nocturnal devils, and other wildlife that have been subjected to “cute accelerationism” (Ireland and Kronic 2024), classed as bizarre, bereft, and rearwards. The constant operating performance such of networking speed is merely necro capitalism Design for adaption and factor in contingencies to respond to change. Computing systems are processes, not products. Operating environments are mutable expressly in relation to energy, heat, emissions. 24/7 availability of people and parts of a computing system is not just. Changing needs and conditions should not keep software and hardware systems relevant in the long term. New software can be written for old computers, modified to respond to new needs. Empower communities and constituents to implement federated communication networks and services Attend to the labour of making, concern ourselves with conditions, resources, and access to resources. How energies are generated, how are products recycled. Designed and build from scavenged parts with low-tech tools. Veer away from vapourware, rot and retro computing wikied and fads of exploitation. Decentralisation refers to distributing activity away from a central, authoritative location. Moving activity from WWW to smaller servers and offline-tolerant peer-to-peer lived lore protocols.
sudo apt-get install wireguard
sudo wg-quick up /path/to/the/webserver.conf
sudo wg-quickdown /path/to/the/webserver.conf
6.0 Ease: Small, Simple, Powerful make the least change for the greatest effect (serenity) Prominence in Obscurity In lutruwita, sovereignty is not a relic of the past—it is a lived refusal. Palawa Elder Uncle Jim Everett-Puralia Meenamatta asserts: “I’m not an Australian citizen. I am the plangermairreenner of the Turbuna people of Tasmania. I maintain myself as a sovereign citizen because they’ve never asked us to be citizens. There is no form of documentation or Treaty ever undertaken in this country” (Everett, 2022). His absence from colonial courts during forest protests is not non-compliance—it is an assertion that colonial law holds no jurisdiction over his custodianship. This refusal resonates with wireless sovereignty—a demand for infrastructural autonomy beyond FAANGz platforms and state-led energy extraction projects. Tasmania is framed as “Battery of the Nation,” yet this invocation reframes it as “Womb of the World”—an ontological and geopolitical shift from extraction to regeneration. The womb evokes maintenance, emergence, interdependence—reflecting the IKS custodianship woven through permaculture and permacomputing. Permacomputing holds provenance in permaculture, a design system seeded by Bill Mollison in lutruwita—itself an adaptation of Indigenous land practices. Uncle Jim, who knew Mollison as a fellow seaman, stressed that permaculture only works when all are committed. Yet, this lineage is rarely acknowledged. This erasure parallels the distortion of F/LOSS movements: There is wicked complacency in labeling models like DeepSeek and other corporate AI pipelines as “open source.” These systems erode the radical ethos of caretakers, visionaries, and code workers who seeded Linux, Python, and the web. Their opportunism mistakes vapourware hype for the grounded labor of makers and builders. Such wicked “open-washing” mirrors colonial enclosure: just as IKS has been selectively extracted into permaculture, so too are open source principles diluted under Big Tech’s control. Both demand reclaiming sovereignty—not just over land or code, but over the processes of care that sustain systems. Tasmania thus becomes a transgressive site that transcends accepted disciplinary boundaries, presenting counter-narratives that are both elliptical and direct, woven through accumulating utterances, defiant gestures, and spontaneous acts. In his apotheosis Uncle Jim delivers an audacious counter-performance—reverse-engineering counter-inscriptions that subsist off the map, within the shadowy reservoir of the exiled. Even the exiled, after all, inhabit a zone. High resolution and large bitrates numb the capacity to dream Keep it small, low complexity is exquisite. negative and positive space is sublime. _Small systems are more likely to have small hardware and energy requirements and high understandability, they're easier to understand, manage, refactor, and repurpose. Energy return on energy invested To think viscerally, kinetically and materially is to evoke and sense beyond the fingers that type the command lines of the OS. Sense the different minerals, moving closer to materiality allows us to activate an embodied consciousness to feel the heat of the CPU hear the speed and power of the disc drive whirling, and see what files are taking up the space. One can pinpoint the glitches, as the body can attune to tacitly sense the server, the network to contemplate how the system ‘talks back’. There is care, passion, and labour in this activity instead of being distant and consuming. Simplicity doesn’t mean less intricacy—beauty of ease lies in its power to adapt without excess.
while :; do :; done
7.0. The quirks -Engage small-scale intensive systems, minimal slow computing (diversity) Pollinate An island at the edge of a communicative field. These planetary inheritance patterns exclusive sumptuous matrix, not unlike a realm where those deceased disappear beyond all visible perspectives and then reappear to shimmy in the firmament as constellations for future navigation. In this stage of the imagination, impatient newcomers to the Island are infuriated at the chary drip-drip-drip of vernacular information. The most expedient is rarely the most advanced technology. _ Human Scale (not human-centred) means locally and cooperatively embodying limitations of mortal capacity. A reasonable level of complexity for a computing system is that it can be entirely understood by a single person (from the low-level hardware details to the application-level quirks). Small net or SmolNet (also known as Small/Smol Internet/Web, etc.) is a movement of small-scale Internet networking that emphasises the smallness of the servers (including low system requirements) and that of the user communities. Permacomputing is a counter-movements to the centralisation and bloatedness of Big Tech FAANGS and armatures that guzzle data, energy, time, and minerals through server stacks in data centres, currents, and fibres that connect to and from end-user devices such as mobile phones, Internet routers, and ethernet hubs. Technological diversity refers to the diversity of artifacts (software and hardware) as well as that of ideas, philosophies, paradigms, techniques, languages, methods, models, etc, mutual coexistence. The spectrum of possibilities widens the aperture beyond what is currently fashionable in the mainstream. This can mean building tacit, intuitive solidarity networks with minerals, lifeforms, humans, and non-humans alike. Diversity is particularly needed on the low levels of the pyramid, the elementary technologies and ideas on which everything else is built. Various ways to build computers and design systems may help make the entire pyramid more resilient. Appreciate diversity, codes of conduct and community-led protocols are created from a place of care. Standards are containers to support livelihoods and ledges to observe the bigger picture and gain perspective on the vast possibilities that come with the gravity of awareness; standards aim to facilitate the co-existence and cooperation of different pieces of technology, not limit their diversity; they are more like common languages than norms. Linguistic diversity is rich, but it is still good for everyone to master a few common-world languages. (prestige grammatical languages quickly leads to impoverished monoculture). Computing machines are full of quirks stemming from the inheritance of people embedded in the subcultures that created them. Explore the vim text editor, which offers a lightweight, minimal computing environment with great flexibility for a script that runs at 2 AM, reducing the strain on energy grids and optimizing your system’s energy use.
* * * /path/to/script.sh
_8.0 The array - flexibility to optimise edges, walk on ledges, go through the walls, Latent Black Swans of Trespass Resistance to the criminal justice system is emblematic of the broader rejection of colonial jurisdiction by those identifying as locals. It "manifests a variety of world views" and "a plurality of ontologies" through nascent choreographic approach magnifying perception emphasizing embodying the tensions, fissures, and flares of Black Swan—an “outlier,” a transgression that “carries an extreme impact” (Taleb, 2007: xvii). It’s no secret that the main gates to paradise are locked and bolted by real estate developers who are land banking. But a backdoor opening is left asunder. We must leave behind the sympathies for orthodox authentication to uncover this obscure entrance. Evading the constraints of domination to pass with the imperiled, the undaunted, the despots, the outsiders and the chancers; those citizens whose forced labor once formed the basis of the carceral island state infrastructure whose inheritance is fractured, but it offers far more to the world as a result. Flexibility is the cornerstone of robust systems. A flexible design Flexibility allows systems to grow beyond their initial design. Adapting to new tasks and purposes yet to be imagined. Create systems that can be easily repurposed and recombined. Small, simple tools working together can solve big problems—just like a well-choreographed dance.
9.0. The matter –collaborate with succession (sandboxing maintenance) mise én abyme Bonnie Marranca reflects on the mise én abyme of cosmic and mortal interplay: “The landscape is cosmic. I am mortal. The landscape vibrates with life[…] a model of indeterminacy” (Marranca 2017:235). An island at the edge of a communicative field. These planetary inheritance patterns also appear when we encounter celestial vagabonds of the night. Nurture protocols of trust, care for archives and digital gardens. Reduce dependencies around the deepest darkest files in your library. Participating in self-healing mesh works and file sharing parties to profoundly bind relations. Implement small personal servers to share files, documentation comes in many forms, like recipes and citizen science Contribute to a knowledge commons in order to succeed. Serve larger collections of files in convivial ways so that the rudiments and mechanisms that run the Internet is restorative
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit
10.0. Integrate biological and renewable resources (diverse economies) Inhabit the bedrock of abstraction Shell stringing ↔ sandboxing is this paper’s methodological and conceptual anchor. These practices of sequencing, threading, and care form a common logic across IKS and digital caretaking. Shell Stringing – Palawa women gather, pierce, and thread shells with tidal and ecological knowledge. Strings encode kinship, reciprocity, memory—an algorithm of care. Sandboxing – Digital subcultures create safe test environments for peer-governed servers. It is a practice of containment, iteration, and community trust. Both resist extraction. They sustain infrastructure through caretaking, not consumption.
Incorporate renewable energy and biological wisdom into your computing systems. Know yourself, know the operating system state, and implement tools so that you, the computer, somatise/visualise/auralise the internal visceral state and whatever it probes about the state of its physical environment. Don't take anything for granted indefinitely grow roots to a solid ground. most fertile directions to proceed rather than just pointing at ossified obstacles. You have made your bedrock, now lie in it. The earth's ecosystems have thrived for millennia by balancing energy flows—computing can learn from this. Metaphor/Story: Think of your system as a tree, rooted in renewable energy, absorbing sunlight and water, and sharing its resources with the ecosystem around it. It grows slowly, but steadily and sustainably. Takeaway: Build systems that work with natural processes, not against them. Use renewable resources wherever possible and avoid dependencies that lock you into unsustainable practices. By mastering a variety of small, specialized tools, you can build a diverse and resilient computing environment.
tree /path/to/directory
11.0. The remedy - design for descent, obstacles are steps where there’s poison, there's medicine (maintenance) Latent Black Swans Crash Blue Screens The 2022 fibre-optic cable severance plunged Tasmania into a five-hour blackout, exposing digital precarity beneath the cloud’s smoothness. This echoes the Windows 10 “Blue Screen of Death”—later commodified by Chloma’s fashion line. These ruptures reveal the cost of abstraction, demanding reskilling in system knowledge.
As lutruwita navigates crisis and renewal, this paper calls for wireless sovereignty—an insistence that infrastructure is not neutral, but woven from custodianship, string by string, script by script. Shells as loci. Spores and signals. Stars as sensors, rhythms threading computation into Sea and Sky.
Be self-sufficient where possible. Prepare your systems for a world with fewer resources. Resilience doesn’t mean endless growth—it means surviving and thriving even in times of scarcity. Keep dependencies low and adaptability high. Understand that dependencies may lead to the acquisition of resources Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and maintain everything as resilient and collapse-tolerant as possible. Be open to enchanting possibilities and double edge swords. Decentralisation may also go wrong in ways that work against permacomputing goals with radically increased energy use. Use awk or sed for efficient text processing filters system’s log-checking processes lightweight and efficient.
awk '/ERROR/ {print $0}' /path/to/logfile
12.0. The yield of a system is only limited by the philosophy of the designer (poesis) Improvise with radical uncertainty The common adage ‘Show us your map of Tassie’ reflects the distinctive rogue charm, a double entendre playing on Tasmania's island's terrestrial shape and sassy euphemism. The dramatic matrices for which the appealing satire. A satiating appreciation for how “the clitoris is a direct line to the matrix” (VNS Matrix, 1991). Shedding light on neglected dark magic spaces, or unfamiliar spaces engulfed in a haze of unknowing. It is for these reasons I find myself claiming that Tasmania is “the womb of the world” (Mauro-Flude, 2011) — an intense, formidable, gorgeous island where the elements congregate and infuse to transfigure, arouse, and impregnate space for which things become enchanted. We must go deep down inside where eventually everything self-destructs and reconstructs, as Kathy Acker (1997:62) repeats: “All the uses of the words ‘web,’ ‘weave,’ ‘net,’ ‘matrix,’ and more, by this circular ‘etymology,’ become entrance points into a textus which is ordered from all language functions and upon which the text itself is embedded. It is this web, a web now named Triton, to which I want to introduce you. If you are Dante, I am Virgil: I am taking you down to the underworld. Into the world under, the worlds of language, words the world in which there is a secret. There must be a secret hidden in this book or else you would not bother to read it. Remember: it all comes down. One must go down to see. Down into language.” The potential of a system is only limited by the imagination of its designer. Amplify awareness of Cognitive Augmentation. How we design technology reflects our values, our vision for the future, and the kind of world we want to live in. Sensitise patterns and the computer's awareness of its surroundings with sensor. Intelligence amplification cyberneticcs initially had an earnest goal, yet intelligence is often used narrowly and with bias. Attuning to the world/environment. ‘Yin hacking’ emphasises observation. you don't need to twiddle with everything to understand it. Practice tacit computing the dance of the finger digits on the keyboard. Be mesmerised by its talisman-like qualities and be troubled by the ethics of participating in extractive violence. The trance-like concentration of soldering electrical components to make a switch vocoder Disrupt normative exchanges with hardware. Engage corporeally through (and with) the aether for the emergence of multiple becomings. Multiple sessions and split your shell into different panes. Enable parallel work, maximise your system’s capabilities.
tmux new-session -s mysession
ls /nonexistentfolder > /dev/null
All the while, the cat sits on the keyboard