Notes regarding eik

http certs

We leave the visitor the option to http or https. This is done in nginx with only the following instructions in each site-enabled config:

listen 80;
listen 443 ssl;

However when authentication is required we force https like this:

location /supercoolauth.cgi {
    return 301 https://$http_host$request_uri;

We use for handling certs, however expanding certs with a new domain is still not supported. The workaround is to recreate a whole new cert with all the domains. For instance, as root: --issue --nginx \
 -d \
 -d \
 -d \
 -d \
 -d --install-cert \
-d \
-d \
-d \
-d \
-d \
--key-file /etc/nginx/certs/key.pem \
--fullchain-file /etc/nginx/certs/cert.pem \
--reloadcmd "systemctl force-reload nginx"

Our makes use of letsencrypt CA servers, as the default one from ZeroSSL keeps on being fussy. The setting was changed like this: --set-default-ca --server letsencrypt


Available at

We maintain a private temporary fork with a few patches (see "git hosting" below) for a few things we need. We're working to upstream these ideas in discussion with cblgh on the issue tracker (more below).

Our system configuration documentation has been upstreamed to docs/ 🎉

We've put the following binaries on eik:

  • /usr/local/bin/cerca 👉 run cerca itself
  • /usr/local/bin/cerca-add-user 👉 add a new user
  • /usr/local/bin/cerca-add-admin 👉 make an existing user admin

Both cerca-add-user and cerca-add-admin are only really necessary to use on the first install. New users and promoting them to administrator can be down in the Cerca web UI.

You can edit the CSS, about pages, registration instructions etc. all in /var/www/ There are some other configurations lying around there which might be useful also. When making changes, you need to restart Cerca: systemctl restart cerca.

If you run into issues, have ideas for improvements or otherwise wanna get in touch with the main developer, cblgh, they're very open to discussions on the issue tracker here.

Hacking cerca

You can push/pull changes from our private temporary branch. You need to add the eik repository to your local checkout. You can do this with something like so: git remote add pmc ssh://foo@eik:/var/www/ (see "git hosting" below for more details). Then you can git fetch --all pmc and you should have a copy of the bbs-patches branch. Push all your hacks there so we can get lost in hacks together 🤓

Update cerca

Due to resource constraints on eik, we are building cerca on our own machines and then uploading & replacing the binary to update a new version.

You can build a static binary on your own machine with:

go build -v \
  -ldflags="-s -w -linkmode 'external' -extldflags '-static'" .

motd message

See /etc/update-motd.d/ for the scripts. When a user logs in, these scripts are all run. They must be executable to be run. Feel free to add some nice welcome screens!

There are also some configuration knobs in /etc/ssh/sshd_config which related to showing the last log in and the default /etc/motd. These have been turned off for now.

git hosting

Git repositories are located in /var/www/ Any user in the gitusers group has access to reading and writing these files.

  • to add a new eik user to the group (replacing USERNAME as needed):

    usermod --append --groups gitusers USERNAME

  • to create a new repository on eik (replacing USERNAME and REPONAME):

   ssh USERNAME@eik
   cd /var/www/
   ./ REPONAME "one line about the repos"
  • to clone (locally) your new repo:
   git config --global init.defaultBranch main  # if not done already
   git clone USERNAME@eik:/var/www/
  • to add a repository as a git remote (for git push, replacing USERNAME and REPONAME):
   git remote add pmc \


stagit is used to produce the staticly generated web interface that is

If you follow the instructions above ("git hosting") to add a new git repository, then all the needed hooks and git repo modifications have been installed. Next time you push, you should see your changes reflected on and

home pages

You can share web stuff via a local public_html directory.

mkdir public_html
echo "hello, world! > public_html/index.html

Then visit

The nginx incantation for this is configured in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/


mosh is installed on the server to make doing terminal ops more convenient on intermittent connections, long running commands and so on. See the website for more information. You simply replace ssh with mosh when you want to connect to the server. You need to install the mosh client on your machine also (e.g. apt install mosh).


ufw is installed as a "frontend" for iptables. Defaults are set to allow outgoing and block incoming traffic. Only specific ports are open and allow incoming.