Regenerative design, Regenerative computing

The design of digital technologies (hardware and software) should be determined by democratic and participatory processes and help regenerate natural ecosystems and promote social cohesion. 1

Regenerativity principles disrupt and surpass technology design associated with power accumulation, a polarisation of opportunity and environmental inequalities, consumption and profit maximalisation.

  • Regenerate natural ecosystems and social cohesion.
  • Democratic, co-creative and sustainable.
  • Creative problem solving with wide perspective and planet encompassing focus with humans as integral part.
  • Evolution from designing objects to designing material flows and systems serving the common good.
  • Design process should be as open, participatory and transparent as possible.
  • Integrate diverse views, needs and issues (not just those of predominantly highly-educated, middle-class males in urban centres), co-design principles with active participation from all users are essential.

See also:

Permacomputing research fields and methods;