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salutations This is my PMC nest to share Holistic Computing Arts, Citizen Science Fiction, and Somatic Exploration in the womb of the world

Southern Oceania Permacomputing Principles work in progress Feel free to add suggestions + bonus short version below



position statement ๐Ÿœƒ ๐Ÿœ„ ๐Ÿœ ๐Ÿœ‚

PERMACOMPUTING PRINCIPLES (future literacies) 0. The 0 & 1, the computing shell, the file tree, the spiral are the elders of form, there is no limit to their coherent variability (computational poetics)

  1. Catch signals, store energy and respect materials (channelling)

  2. Observe and become aware of the story in the space (proprioception)

  3. Connect with elements and beings (networks)

  4. Each being and element performs multiple functions (forking variation)

  5. Each function is supported by multiple elements (modularity)

  6. Make the least change for the greatest effect (ease)

  7. Engage small-scale intensive systems (local)

  8. Optimise edges, walk on ledges, go through the walls, build bridges (dance/movement)

  9. Collaborate with succession (sandboxing)

  10. Integrate biological and renewable resources (diverse economies)

  11. Where there is poison, there's medicine; obstacles are steps (remedies)

  12. The yield of a system is only limited by the philosophy of the designer (poesis)